Wednesday, December 8, 2021

The Manster (1959)


Flying Disc Man From Mars (1950) G-Men vs. Martians

 Easily visible in the blu-ray is the wire towing the plane!
I wonder how many people in the cinema spotted it.
You'd never notice this on TV because low-res hides wires.

GANGSTER FLEES into 1950 Lincoln with suicide door!
Clearly, a subversive degenerate intent only on malice.

Nice effects here by L.B. Abbott who would later create all "Lost In Space" FX. No CGI at all.

Wires attach to vehicle 8" above ground in front:

HEROIC G-MAN "scoffs" at death.

Yes that is a Japanese flag on the tail, there's a story behind this (King Of The Mounties serial)



"Send in the State Troopers" --Robert Moses

Saturday, December 4, 2021

Renfield is Funny!


The Vampire Bat (1933)
The little crazy guy is Dwight Frye.

MAD BAT-FIEND exposed before townspeople!

Original "Renfield" character....hilarious!
Dracula (1933)