Friday, September 3, 2021

BLACK SUNDAY (1977) Cool 70s cars, Miami Superbowl with Pat Summerall, Goodyear Blimp, maniac Bruce Dern, and funny "Jimmy Carter" appearance.

 For some reason this movie showed 2 "flash shots" of Jimmy Carter which are so odd 
because he's the President of the USA, they usually get more than 0.5 seconds for an appearance in anything!
What you see in this video is exactly how it appeared in theaters. I remember it well.
After not seeing this movie in 40yrs, I thought it was a paste-in but it's not.
It's a JC impersonator see my post from yesterday.

Look close & you'll see no damage to the wood beams while corrugated steel has 1000s of holes.

BLACK SUNDAY (1977) Bruce Dern tests device


Thursday, September 2, 2021